Wednesday, June 5, 2019

All humans should be treated with respect Essay Example for Free

All gentles should be treated with respect EssayIn examining the religious teachings about the values of human life using religious teachings it is easy to see that theology thinks all(prenominal) last(predicate) human life equal dis regardless of race, gender or disability and encourages all his sheep (followers of his, who he regards not as servants scarcely as friends) to do so as well. This is proven in maiden Corinthians 7 18- 20 where it is said, Was a man already circumcised when he was called? He should not pay back uncircumcised. Was a man uncircumcised when he was called? He should not be circumcised. Circumcision is nothing and uncircumcision is nothing.Keeping Gods commands is what counts. Each per parole should remain in the situation they were in when God called them., the passage suggests that God c bes not about the outward expression or position of his followers but their obedience to his command, regardless of what life they form lived or what they w ere before, it similarly supports the fact that God was willing to take converts and so did not make distinctions between the human race or bear prejudice to those who were previously not his followers and had converted.The belief of equality for all of valet is further supported by the record book which (Genesis 127) proclaims that all were made in the image of God and therefore bear a likeliness to him regardless of any differences we might show. This theory is know as imago dei and is unmatched shared by the three Abrahamic pietys it is thought that our likeliness to God means all human life should be treated with respect and dignity. (Matthew 543-38) Ye have heard it that it hath been said, Thou shalt love thy neighbour and hate thine enemy. But I say unto you, applaud your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to those that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully habituate you, and persecute you. This passage states that Christians should bear hate to no w hizz veritable(a) those who wish harm unto them and preferably pray for them and still show love to them regardless suggesting that Christians should have compassionate and fair attitudes towards all individuals.This belief of equality, understanding and borrowing no matter the ultimo or social standing of the person is present in most other religions such as Islam, Judaism and Buddhism and now-days most religions are known to visit jails (where sinners lay) trying to convert the evil and lost (sinners)so that they may repent and instead be draw children of God an example of signifi chamfer converts is Charles Colson who was abide down of the Watergate S stock-still, he was ar simplenessed and pleaded guilty to Watergate related charges and the obstruction of justice before macrocosm sentenced for 1-2 years in prison.While in prison Colson converted to Christianity and when released started Prison acquaintance a national ministry that helps prisoners to convert to Christ ianity, it is said that this program has helped prisoners live a better life and strengthen their spirit. Quakers a faction derived from Christianity believe there is that of God in everybody, meaning that no one is more central than anyone else as they are all made in Gods image by God, however even within this organisation people still have to take charge and allocate certain responsibilities to others meaning they become leaders and therefore more important that everyone else, suggestion that they are not equal to everyone else as they are worth more.There are 2 main Christian views on the truth of other religions The exclusive view (mainly fundamentalistics) who like Christians in the past believe all non-Christians are not doing what is regenerate and therefore will be condemned to Hell unless converted. fundamentalist try to convert others to Christianity through the means of evangelism etc. becoming missionaries. This is beca delectation of their literal interpretations of the bible, believing in John 318 which states, whoever does not believe in him ( deliveryman) stands condemned already, fundamentalists do not only just extend this view towards non-believers but also to Jews who do not believe in the Nazarene as the son of God citing John 146 in which Jesus said, I am the way the truth and the Life, no one comes to the Father except though me.This view contrasts with the Inclusive view where Christianity is believed to be superior to other religions (or bearing more truth) but doesnt require conversion only adhering to the right attitude to be saved from hell. While inclusive Christians might try forms of evangelism such as becoming missionaries, they are generally more understanding of others, this means numerous of them become involved with charities such as Tearfund or Christian Aid as a way to help others and also convince them (without words) that Christianity holds the truth and the right way. They use quotes like There are many rooms i n my Fathers house as a way of suggesting thatthere are unlike ways to get to heaven and different paths one can take, as long as one follows the right way. It can be competed that inclusive Christians more than exclusive/fundamentalist really follow the teachings of the bible, they more than exclusive Christians can be argued to love thy neighbour and therefore treat others the way theyd like to be treated.The bible teaches that Jesus treated foreigners very well, he healed a roman centurions son and later had dinner with Zaccheus, a dislike tax collector for the Romans, suggesting that he did on the dot what he preached, loved the enemy and treated everyone well, this behaviour is also reflected in the parable of the good Samaritan where a man(a Jew) is robbed and lies naked, hurt and poor on the road a priest and leaders of other religions pass him by and ignore him, the only person who stops and helps him, even paying for his treatment is a Samaritan, people who were hated b y Jews and who in turn hated them. This parable, not only shows foreigners in a good light but also promotes the teaching of loving thy enemy.In Galatians 3, the bible once again reinforces that God loves all of humanity unconditionally regardless of Gender or race, proclaiming There is no difference between Jew nor Greek, hard worker nor free, male nor female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus. supporting Acts 10 in declaring that God does not favour a specific gathering of humanity or show favouritism but rather accepts men from every nation who fear Him and do what is right. Some critics however argue that these teachings are presented as only favouring those who believe in Christ and therefore making an outsider of those who do not fear him and do what God proclaims to be right and almost exempting them from the rules and teachings he lays down to his followers, presenting the argument of does religion treat non-believers equally? The fact that there are many different sect s of Christianity had led to many different views about the treatment of others, with the term others representing black, non-whole bodied(disabled), homosexuals etc. as well as extending to different cultures and religions not just non-believers.Walter Laqueur a man of Jewish faith, believes that sex is historically and culturally variable, with the modern idea of two separate sexes representing a shift away from the longer-established view that there is a single malesex, of which the female is an outclassed manifestation, he believes these developments have led to a society which believes that both men and women should occupy and negotiate a range of different positions within the valet de chambre instead of living in a patriarchy where women do not have a main role in religion.This view is opposed by many other religions, Catholics for example believe that women can have a role in church, but cannot be priests because of the fact that Jesus was a man, and he chose all 12 of his disciples to be men. Catholics also interpret St Pauls teachings in Timothy 2 which suggest that women should have no authority over men as be correct, A woman should learn in quietness and full submission.I do not permit a woman to teach or to have authority over a man she must be silent. Taking the view that Adam was formed first, then Eve and Adam was not the one deceived it was the woman who was deceived and became a sinner.. Some fundamentalist believe that men and women are equal before God but still have different roles in life meaning women shouldnt be offered equal opportunities in everything including religion claiming that the womens main job should be as a home-maker looking after the children not existence in positions of leadership in the church. The Church of England however is against this interpretation and believes that women can be priests. They believe that we are all equal in Gods eyes, and also that Jesus had many women followers. Mary and others have been named in the Bible at significant points in Jesus life, and there are books in the Bible named after women. They use quotes such as There is neither male nor female, you are all one in Christ Jesus. (Galatians 3) to support their reasoning.Some black theologians claim that religion has always been bias to the white man and therefore racist and inhibiting to black people. They argue that this has created a divide between white God and black God. only in 1985 did the Church of England announce the Church should make space for and include black Christians fully, this was almost a centuries after the freedom of slow people as slaves and many years after black liberation had occurred ( officially).However while many Christians like Pope John Paul, who condemned the fact that Christians had contributed to the slave trade, finally got Black people some equality some sects of Christianity such as the sulphurern Baptists in USA up until 1900, the Dutch Reformed Church inSouth Africa unti l 1980 and many Christians in the 16th, 17th and 18th century believed that certain races were low-level and could be treated as either 2nd class citizens or slaves because of two Bible verses Genesis 918-27 which states that the descendants of Noahs third son (Ham who is thought to be black by many Christians) will be cursed and be the slaves of his second son Japheth(thought to be white by many) and Ephesians 65 which states Slaves obey your masters -a verse that some Christians thought meant that it was fine to have inferior races and slaves.There is also the question of disability in religion with old-age Christians and Buddhism believing it was a punishment for evil deeds/sin (or bad karma in past lives). This viewpoint however has changed in recent times whereas being disabled was once viewed as being an imperfect version of an able bodied person, a description that suggests that disabled people are of less value than an able bodied person, recent views believe in Aristotl e interpretation, that somatogenic defects do not prohibit a person from actualising their potential as a human being because the essence of being human does not rest on purely physical abilities a viewpoint which a charity called Larche founded by a Christian recognises. Aristotle point further illustrates a verse of the bible which proclaims that we are all natural of sin, which supports that no one is perfect- were all flawed one way or other and therefore are in one way or another disabled.Islam is considered an egalitarian religion meaning one that is pro-equality. There is an argument made by several Muslim Women scholars such as Al-Hibri who argues that the situation of women globally is as well complex and contradictory for one comprehensive critique, saying that in some nations Muslim women experience horrendous forms of violence and oppression, often under the label of Islam whereas in another nation Muslim women may occupy positions of power in significant social an d political institution also due to Islam.Many argue that whilst there are many practices contrary to womens rights which are done in the name of Islam, the reality is that there is no basis in Islam for them. Others make the important point that there are many factors at work which have allowed such oppressive practices to continue, such as the existence of patriarchal cultures that are oftenconfused with religious belief or the existence of authoritarian regimes that deny more than just womens claiming undemocratic regimes have denied human rights to their citizens, and attempted to lay the satanic on the doorstep of religion suggesting that it is not religion that is unequal, but those who practise it.It can be argued that the term equality has different meanings in different situations you cant be equal to all people through one measure because everyone has different conditions that must be met etc. you cant feed a Muslim the same way youd choose a Hindu, you couldnt offer a M uslim a pig as it would cause trouble due to the offer being interpreted as an insult, this however doesnt mean you cant treat persons of both religion the same with kindness and compassion regardless of their religion. This has led to many joust that the solution is not just treating everyone equally (as equality suggests same treatment) but rather introducing tolerance and acceptance. They believe that conversion in religions isnt something that should occur forcefully but instead something that should be gently approached through the means of missionaries (in religions such as Jehovah witnesses and Mormons) for example.However some religions have a zero tolerance on those they consider outsiders, this include Zionism and its treatment of the Palestinians and some Jewish sects which refused to assimilate into the societies they lived in (Ashkenazic Jews), preferring to stay outsiders because they believe the Torah forbids mixing with gentiles due to their interpretation of Avoda Zara 36b which states You shall not intermarry with them you shall not supply your daughter to his son and you shall not take his daughter for your son for he will cause your child to turn away from Me and they will idolisation the gods of others. Many Christians (and some Jews) thoroughly disagree with this verse with Christians believing it is directed ad them and painting them as immoral idolaters and some Jews believing the passage to contradicting (with the rest of the Torah) and too brief to be fully understood. This raises the argument among theologians that the bible and other holy books are too contradicting, confusing and sometimes too lacking of circumstance to be fully interpreted and rather, the teachings should not be taken at face value but rather, used to regulate but not to shape iron cast laws .However there are many contradicting verses in the bible which suggest otherwise.Islam states O mankind We have created you from a male and a female, and made you into nations and tribes, that you may know one another. Verily, the most honourable of you with God is the most pious.Verily, God is All-Knowing, All-Aware. (4913) about the difference within human beings, suggesting that they are argue and diversity is Gods gift to humankind.Judaism, Christianity and IslamThe founder of Quakers, George Foxbut instead of seeking primarily to convert, the upmost goal is to establish the principles of Christianity in others lives etc. love, humility and compassion.And the record book which states I shall not lose sight of the labour of any of you who labours in My way, be it man or woman each of you is equal to the other (3195)The book of account states For Muslim men and women,- for believing men and women, for devout men and women, for true men and women, for men and women who are patient and constant, for men and women who humble themselves, for men and women who give in Charity, for men and women who fast (and deny themselves), for men and women who guard their chastity, and for men and women who engage much in Gods praise,- for them has God prepared for habituatedess and great reward. (3335) suggesting that everyone, not just Muslim men and women will get the reward as long as they are humble and adhere to Muslim practises even if they do not adopt the religionThe most beloved and respected historical Christian thinkers and theologicans are amongst those who believe the role of women in religion should be voiced with John Crysostom considering the female sex as weakand fickle ,Augustine claims Satans reasoning for deceiving Eve was because he was making his assault upon the weaker part of that human alliance eand Epiphanius declaring that the female sex is easily mistaken, fallible, and poor in intelligence even Martin Luther King supports this argument stating it was not Adam who went astray 265).an idea that men systematically dominate, oppress and exploit women I many believe that a patriachical state doesnt and didnt eve r exist and instead we have just been living in a world dominated by a complex set of differences ethnic, racial, gendered, class hierarchy and not just gender.In this generation, although there are many verses in the bible to suggest that women should have and did have a very important and immensely valuable role in founding and shaping Christianity.For man did not come from woman, but woman from man neither was man created for woman, but woman for manIn the Lord,however, woman is not independent of man, nor is man independent of woman. For as woman came from man, so also man is born of woman. But everything comes from God (New International Version, 1 Corinthians 111-38-911-12).1 Corinthians 14 says, Women should remain silent in churches which many interpret as saying- women shouldnt be in positions of leadership in the church.Proverbs 31 implies the place of a woman is at home She watches over the personal business of her householdBut women will be saved through childbearing-i f they continue in faith, love and holiness with propriety(New International Version, 1 Timothy 211-15).This is known as Christian egalitarian. The opposing view is Complementarianism.Although, when the decision was made to allow Women into the church in 1992, many people left the Church of England as a result and converted to Catholics. This shows that there still isnt equality in Religions such as Christianity as while some may be for the inclusion of women, the one who arent may simply join a different fraction and practise their anti-feminist in religion perspectives there. This supports the view that freedom in religion is in meshing with notions of gender equality.A prominent Muslim mother to an autistic child once wrote to a follower who also had an autistic child As with typically-developing children, every special-needs child has his or her own personality, temperament, strengths, and abilities. Every child has his or her God-given potential. This is from the mercy of All ah and one of the signs of His strength that He created such diversity among human beings. We should rejoice in the creative power of Allah and accept His qadr, or decree, for us. I believe that Allah created disabilities so those of us who are able-bodied would not become complacent and ungrateful. Taking sell of a child with a disability brings out the best and most compassionate in all of us. So many of the things that parents of typically-developing children take for granted, we have to stir up and struggle for. I think this helps us draw closer to the All-Merciful, the Forbearant, and the Loving.This supports the view that all human life is sacred and must be treated with the rights given to it in the Sharia and that no one has the right to take the life of another except according to Gods command. It also gives way to an argument that could claim moral worth of a person does not depend on birth, gender, race or wealth or whether or not a person is disabled. flesh background, as well as the degree and severity of impairment, ethnicity, sex, sexuality and age can exacerbate or modify the experience of disability (Vernon, 1999394)Many may argue that this isnt a religion however most agree that it is a branch of Judaism if a very distant branch.Different from Sephardim (who chose to assimilate into the nations they moved to and Mizrahi Jews who also assimilated into the nations they found themselves in.

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